
Beefgrants will be the central repository where all associated grant materials may be found, including the following documents:

  • Draft and submitted proposals
  • Executed Memorandum of Agreements
  • Interim report forms and final report forms, instructions and upload links

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beefgrants Online Grant Portal

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, has moved to an online portal, BeefGrants, for managing the grants process and to facilitate the submission and review of grant materials. All portal users will need to log in or set up an account to submit their proposal(s). 

Learn More >


The institution through Principal Investigator shall, in form and substance satisfactory to NCBA, provide to NCBA: 

  1. an interim project report suitable for use by NCBA in reporting to industry and; 
  2. within thirty days after completion of the project, a final project report and an abstract of the work done and conclusions drawn suitable for use by NCBA in reporting to industry. Failure to submit reports no later than thirty days following the date report is due will result in a withholding of the next payment and;
  3. within sixty days after the completion of the project, a final report of expenditures for the project for the funding period covered by the agreement. The final report shall include an identification of any unexpended amounts.

Interim Report

The interim report is submitted via an online form within BeefGrants. The following fields are required:

  • Progress Toward Meeting Objectives (State each objective & report specific accomplishments toward each objective)
  • Modifications of Project from Original Proposal (Any deletions, additions or other changes in proposed methods/objectives)
  • Are you on track to date with projected budget expenditures?
  • Do you anticipate any issues that will prevent you from spending your proposed budget?
  • Status of Project in Regards to Stated Timeline
  • Are preliminary results (to date) in line with your stated hypothesis?
  • Include preliminary results if possible and or appropriate (upload results)
  • List and attach any abstract or presentation related to this project (upload related abstracts or presentations)

Final Report

There are 5 short form questions submitted via an online form within BeefGrants. The following fields are required:

What are the key takeaways of this project?

In 2-3 sentences each, how would you explain the results of this project to:

  • Academia colleagues
  • Cattle producers
  • Industry partners
  • Consumer media/general public

The final report will be uploaded to BeefGrants. Complete a full project report that is comprehensive and technical in nature. This is the traditional final report required by NCBA every year. This full report will not be shared with any outside audiences. There is no minimum/maximum page length required for this report. Please use your best judgment.


I. Full Report

Select one of the following journals (or a similar journal), include each section required by the selected journal, and follow the formatting of the selected journal. Included is a link to the web page where author instructions can be found. Authors should indicate in the report which journal they followed. The goal of this approach is to give authors a head start on a manuscript (even if it will not be submitted immediately) versus asking authors to complete a final technical report with formatting requirements that are completely different than common journals. This does not need to be the final manuscript.

II. Executive Summary 

Complete a brief executive summary of the project suitable for an audience with little scientific background. Following review, this summary will be posted online at: as a completed project summary. The target length is two to three pages (maximum = 3 pages). Required Sections: 

  • Title, Authors, University or organization, Date of submission.
  • Key Takeaways of the Project. 
  • Background. 
  • Objective(s). 
  • Methods (abbreviated, minimal technical detail).
  • Important Findings.
  • Implications/Industry Impact.

III. Supplemental Information

Respond to each item to provide additional information needed by NCBA to fully explain project outcomes and to provide correct funding acknowledgment. Required Sections:

  • Dissemination Plan/Progress Report
    • Publications, abstracts, manuscripts in progress, theses, or presentations that have resulted from this research 
    • Number of M.S. and/or Ph.D. students involved in the project 
    • Additional funding secured as a result of beef industry support of this project
  • Financial Report
    • Was the project completed on budget? 
    • If the project was completed under budget, why was the cost less than the original estimate?
  • Acknowledgment – all Checkoff-funded materials must, whenever possible, include both:   
    • Where appropriate (poster, presentations, etc.) use the appropriate logo from this page to indicate funded by or partially by the Beef Checkoff.  
    • Utilize this phrase where acknowledgement can be provided:  Research coordinated by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff

This document must be submitted within 30 days of the established contract end date. We reserve the right to refuse/reject the report if deemed inadequate. Final payment may be withheld if all requirements are not met on time. Please do not share full technical reports with others. 

Note: When reporting on this project or presenting/publishing project results, credit funding to The Beef Checkoff. Use the following terminology exactly: “Funded by National Cattlemen's Beef Association, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff” or “Funded in part by National Cattlemen's Beef Association, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff.” Please note that this acknowledgment language is different than that used several years ago that credited America’s Beef Producers. Please visit Beef Checkoff Acknowledgment Guidelines for more information.