The intent of this fact sheet series is to provide high-level answers to some of the more challenging and complex issues related to beef sustainability. To provide further understanding, Animated Infographics have been created to briefly illustrate many of the key points related to the sustainability questions addressed in the Fact Sheets below.
How does the carbon footprint of U.S. beef compare to global beef?
Does beef really use that much water?
Would removing beef from the diet actually reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
How does carbon sequestration affect the sustainability of beef?
Do growth promotants reduce environmental impact?
Does grass-finished beef leave a lower carbon footprint than grain-finished?
If we fed corn to humans instead of cattle, would land use be more sustainable?
Is local beef more sustainable?
Can different Life Cycle Assessment studies be compared?
How do you know if you are looking at a comprehensive and high-quality life cycle assessment study?
How does animal health and welfare impact sustainability?
Do feedlots have the largest greenhouse gas impact in the beef value chain?
How does food waste impact sustainability?
Are residues of the growth hormones used in cattle in our drinking water?
Why is sustainability so difficult to define?
Ecosystem Services — What are they and how do they relate to beef production?
What are enteric methane emissions?
Fact Sheet > Animation > Animation >
How does beef fit into a sustainable food system?
How does productivity affect sustainability?
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How does upcycling relate to beef production?
Are U.S. cattle causing an increase in global warming?