Emergence and dissemination of bacteria that are resistant to a broad array of antimicrobial agents is of growing concern. Accumulation of multiple unrelated resistance determinants has arisen, at least in part, from antimicrobial selection pressure; however other non-antimicrobial-use factors also contribute. In the researchers' preliminary work, it was documented that administration of long acting ceftiofur favors expansion of E. coli that are phenotypically resistant to ceftiofur as well coresistant to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, sulfisoxazole, and tetracycline (ACSSuT + Cef phenotype). This expansion of a broad ensemble of resistance determinants may have occurred through clonal expansion or dissemination of a mobile/mobilizable plasmid. It is important to distinguish between the clonal expansion and plasmid dissemination. If the latter occurred, it was anticipated that an indistinguishable plasmid (and resistance phenotype) would present within a broad variety of E. coli genotypes. This signifies likely horizontal transfer of antimicrobial resistance. If so, it would guide future research toward targets and mechanisms to curtail the dissemination of multidrug-resistant pathogenic bacteria.
In previous research (funded by America's Beef Producers), of 126 Salmonella Newport isolates, 67% (n = 85) were resistant to ceftiofur and all carried the beta lactamase blaCMY-2 gene that confers resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins. Salmonella Newport isolates were also typed using PBRT. 97% (n = 97) of the S. Newport isolates carried the Inc A/C incompatibility plasmid, presumably where the blaCMY-2 gene is located. These studies demonstrated that incompatibility type is important for plasmid transfer.
Better characterization of the potential role that non-type-specific E. coli play in the horizontal dissemination of resistance determinants, particularly on plasmids, is greatly needed. Once the objectives of this study are met, the necessary data to begin future studies aimed at targeting the mobile/mobilizable plasmids that confer resistance to a broad array of drugs will be obtained. This may ultimately lead to mechanisms to cure bacteria of plasmids through innovative means. The long-term goal of the research team is to develop novel interventions to 1) reduce the burden of resistance in cattle presented for harvest; and 2) maintain agriculture’s access to efficacious antimicrobial drugs. The stated objectives for this work were:
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